Ottawa Volvo Club - June 1998

June 13, 1998 Pub Night, Ottawa
262C      JVOLVO 262C (22.7K)                262C      JVOLVO 262C (36.4K)
262C      JVOLVO 262C (24.6K)                262C      JVOLVO 262C (27.5K)
1800ES      Mike's 1972 1800ES (31.8K)         1800ES      Mike's 1972 1800ES (25.9K)
242DL      Richard's 1982 242DL (26.2K)      244GLT      Tony & Karin's 1984 244GL (29.7K)
1800ES      Michel's Award Winning 1973 1800ES (28.4K)
1800ES      David's Immaculate 1972 1800ES (24.8K)
1800ES      More of David's 1800ES (35.0K)  1800ES      Michel's 1800ES Dash (68.4K)
1800ES      More of Michel's 1800ES (31.1K) 1800ES       More of Michel's 1800ES (33.9K)
1800ES      Michel's B20F(71.2K)                  1800ES      Michel's B20F(71.6K)

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