Day 10 Kiev-Orol 544 km
Russia here we come... Breakfast very early, first road signs
saying " Mockba "., Floor it.
This early you must be very alert, since Russian drunks use the same
road as horse and wagons do....
The guy must have been very surprised and thinking, "I’m dreaming "
when we drove by doing 120 km/h. Lots of dust in his eyes.
Here poverty really can be seen, farmers offer their goods just
alongside the road.
Old mills with rusted engines are rotting away, walking your cow
alongside the road probably is the most popular sport....
Today we had a beautiful sand road, we took a very nice video shot
racing this track with four classic Volvos alongside each other...
try to sell it to Volvo... perhaps I can keep the V70.
Crossing the border only took us 4 hours.
Only we didn’t cross all.. Bernd Drechsler, one of the three German
teams, got stock in Russian paperwork and had to return to Kiev....
Something with a number typed wrong..
anyway he made it by plane the next day and was still in good humour,
well done Bernd, you had us worried for a moment.
His wife Brigitte did have some company in the Hotel in Orol, lots
very fast insects there.... no water... must go and visit the place
can recommend it.
Luckily the beds were all morning no one was late for
Day 11 Orol-Moscow 356 km
During breakfast you could feel the tension, Moscow is in sight..
Hugo had us driving a very nice route (again) lots of wooden houses
and the Russian police was very polite, or was it the letter in
Russian language with the phone number of the embassy that made them
wave us through....
Roads are improving as we approach Moscow, many modern European and
North American cars race by.
Also old Wolgas and Ladas of course...
Contrasts are huge in Russia, Moscow is a city just as NY or LA, many
modern buildings. Nina Rici and all of her colleagues entered the city
already a long time ago....
Money to spend....
It seemed we had it agreed before leaving..........three Amazons
stopped by the sign " Mockba " all three had the camera clicking.
Moscow at last, this was it.
The city is overwhelming, noisy, smelly, we had made it.
Group A was sitting at the terrace, waving their pints filled with
Russian beer at us, when we parked the car.
Ever seen 90 Volvos at a parking lot in Moscow ?
The meal was absolutely gorgeous, so was the beer